Last week, we landed 22 PRs in the TiDB repositories and 15 PRs in the TiKV repositories.
support for the coprocessor.make install
on the CentOS platform to install TiKV.Placement Driver
Use sysbench to benchmark asynchronous scheduler and previous 8 threadpools in 3-node TiKV.
# Prepare data
sysbench --test=./lua-tests/db/oltp.lua --mysql-host=${host} --mysql-port=${port} \
--mysql-user=${user} --mysql-password=${password} --oltp-tables-count=$1 \
--oltp-table-size=1000 --rand-init=on prepare
# Run benchmark
sysbench --test=./lua-tests/db/insert.lua --mysql-host=${host} --mysql-port=${port} \
--mysql-user=${user} --mysql-password=${password} --oltp-tables-count=1 \
--oltp-table-size=1000 --num-threads=${threads} --report-interval=60 \
--max-requests=1280000 --percentile=99 run
|Threads|Async scheduler qps|Async scheduler avg/.99 latency|8 threadpools qps|Thread pool avg/.99 latency| |—|—|—|—|—|—| |32|2049|15.6⁄29.1|1652|19.4⁄36.3| |64|2042|31.3⁄85.5|1693|37.8⁄83| |128|2125|60.2⁄147|1649|77⁄175|
As we can see, the qps is increased by about 25%, and the latency is decreased by about 15%.