Syncer is a tool used to import data incrementally. It is a part of the TiDB enterprise toolset. To obtain Syncer, see Download the TiDB enterprise toolset.
# Download the tool package.
# Check the file integrity. If the result is OK, the file is correct.
sha256sum -c tidb-enterprise-tools-latest-linux-amd64.sha256
# Extract the package.
tar -xzf tidb-enterprise-tools-latest-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd tidb-enterprise-tools-latest-linux-amd64
You can deploy Syncer to any of the machines that can connect to MySQL or the TiDB cluster. But it is recommended to deploy Syncer to the TiDB cluster.
Before importing data, read Check before importing data using Syncer.
Edit the meta file of Syncer, assuming the meta file is syncer.meta
# cat syncer.meta
binlog-name = "mysql-bin.000003"
binlog-pos = 930143241
binlog-gtid = "2bfabd22-fff7-11e6-97f7-f02fa73bcb01:1-23,61ccbb5d-c82d-11e6-ac2e-487b6bd31bf7:1-4"
- The
file only needs to be configured when it is first used. The position is automatically updated when the new subsequent binlog is synchronized.- If you use the binlog position to synchronize, you only need to configure
; if you usebinlog-gtid
to synchronize, you need to configurebinlog-gtid
and set--enable-gtid
when starting Syncer.
Description of Syncer command line options:
Usage of Syncer:
-L string
log level: debug, info, warn, error, fatal (default "info")
to print Syncer version info (default false)
to automatically fix the gtid info when MySQL master and slave switches (default false)
-b int
the size of batch transactions (default 10)
-c int
the number of batch threads that Syncer processes (default 16)
-config string
to specify the corresponding configuration file when starting Syncer; for example, `--config config.toml`
to start Syncer using the mode; default false; before enabling this option, you need to enable GTID in the upstream MySQL
-log-file string
to specify the log file directory, such as `--log-file ./syncer.log`
-log-rotate string
to specify the log file rotating cycle, hour/day (default "day")
-meta string
to specify the meta file of Syncer upstream (in the same directory with the configuration file by default "syncer.meta")
-server-id int
to specify MySQL slave sever-id (default 101)
-status-addr string
to specify Syncer metrics, such as `--status-addr 127:0.0.1:10088`
The config.toml
configuration file of Syncer:
log-level = "info"
server-id = 101
# The file path for meta:
meta = "./syncer.meta"
worker-count = 16
batch = 10
# The testing address for pprof. It can also be used by Prometheus to pull Syncer metrics.
# Change "" to the IP address of the corresponding host
status-addr = ""
# Note: skip-sqls is abandoned, and use skip-ddls instead.
# skip-ddls skips the DDL statements that are incompatible with TiDB, and supports regular expressions.
# skip-ddls = ["^CREATE\\s+USER"]
# Note: skip-events is abandoned, and use skip-dmls instead.
# skip-dmls skips the DML statements. The type value can be 'insert', 'update' and 'delete'.
# The 'delete' statements that skip-dmls skips in the table:
# [[skip-dmls]]
# db-name = "foo"
# tbl-name = "bar"
# type = "delete"
# The 'delete' statements that skip-dmls skips in all tables:
# [[skip-dmls]]
# type = "delete"
# The 'delete' statements that skip-dmls skips in all foo.* tables:
# [[skip-dmls]]
# db-name = "foo"
# type = "delete"
# Specify the database name to be synchronized. Support regular expressions. Start with '~' to use regular expressions.
# replicate-do-db = ["~^b.*","s1"]
# Specify the db.table to be synchronized.
# db-name and tbl-name do not support the `db-name ="dbname, dbname2"` format.
# [[replicate-do-table]]
# db-name ="dbname"
# tbl-name = "table-name"
# [[replicate-do-table]]
# db-name ="dbname1"
# tbl-name = "table-name1"
# Specify the db.table to be synchronized. Support regular expressions. Start with '~' to use regular expressions.
# [[replicate-do-table]]
# db-name ="test"
# tbl-name = "~^a.*"
# Specify the database you want to ignore in synchronization. Support regular expressions. Start with '~' to use regular expressions.
# replicate-ignore-db = ["~^b.*","s1"]
# Specify the database table you want to ignore in synchronization.
# db-name and tbl-name do not support the `db-name ="dbname, dbname2"` format.
# [[replicate-ignore-table]]
# db-name = "your_db"
# tbl-name = "your_table"
# Specify the database table you want to ignore in synchronization. Support regular expressions. Start with '~' to use regular expressions.
# [[replicate-ignore-table]]
# db-name ="test"
# tbl-name = "~^a.*"
# The sharding synchronizing rules support wildcharacter.
# 1. The asterisk character ("*", also called "star") matches zero or more characters,
# For example, "doc*" matches "doc" and "document" but not "dodo";
# The asterisk character must be in the end of the wildcard word,
# and there is only one asterisk in one wildcard word.
# 2. The question mark ("?") matches any single character.
# [[route-rules]]
# pattern-schema = "route_*"
# pattern-table = "abc_*"
# target-schema = "route"
# target-table = "abc"
# [[route-rules]]
# pattern-schema = "route_*"
# pattern-table = "xyz_*"
# target-schema = "route"
# target-table = "xyz"
host = ""
user = "root"
password = ""
port = 3306
host = ""
user = "root"
password = ""
port = 4000
Start Syncer:
./bin/syncer -config config.toml
2016/10/27 15:22:01 binlogsyncer.go:226: [info] begin to sync binlog from position (mysql-bin.000003, 1280)
2016/10/27 15:22:01 binlogsyncer.go:130: [info] register slave for master server
2016/10/27 15:22:01 binlogsyncer.go:552: [info] rotate to (mysql-bin.000003, 1280)
2016/10/27 15:22:01 syncer.go:549: [info] rotate binlog to (mysql-bin.000003, 1280)
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (4, 4), (5, 5);
mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P4000 -uroot -p
mysql> select * from t1;
| id | age |
| 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 2 |
| 3 | 3 |
| 4 | 4 |
| 5 | 5 |
Syncer outputs the current synchronized data statistics every 30 seconds:
2017/06/08 01:18:51 syncer.go:934: [info] [syncer]total events = 15, total tps = 130, recent tps = 4,
master-binlog = (ON.000001, 11992), master-binlog-gtid=53ea0ed1-9bf8-11e6-8bea-64006a897c73:1-74,
syncer-binlog = (ON.000001, 2504), syncer-binlog-gtid = 53ea0ed1-9bf8-11e6-8bea-64006a897c73:1-17
2017/06/08 01:19:21 syncer.go:934: [info] [syncer]total events = 15, total tps = 191, recent tps = 2,
master-binlog = (ON.000001, 11992), master-binlog-gtid=53ea0ed1-9bf8-11e6-8bea-64006a897c73:1-74,
syncer-binlog = (ON.000001, 2504), syncer-binlog-gtid = 53ea0ed1-9bf8-11e6-8bea-64006a897c73:1-35
The update in MySQL is automatically synchronized in TiDB.
This section describes the priority of parameters when you use Syncer to synchronize the database.
# Specify the ops database to be synchronized.
# Specify to synchronize the database starting with ti.
replicate-do-db = ["ops","~^ti.*"]
# The "china" database includes multiple tables such as guangzhou, shanghai and beijing. You only need to synchronize the shanghai and beijing tables.
# Specify to synchronize the shanghai table in the "china" database.
db-name ="china"
tbl-name = "shanghai"
# Specify to synchronize the beijing table in the "china" database.
db-name ="china"
tbl-name = "beijing"
# The "ops" database includes multiple tables such as ops_user, ops_admin, weekly. You only need to synchronize the ops_user table.
# Because replicate-do-db has a higher priority than replicate-do-table, it is invalid if you only set to synchronize the ops_user table. In fact, the whole "ops" database is synchronized.
db-name ="ops"
tbl-name = "ops_user"
# The "history" database includes multiple tables such as 2017_01 2017_02 ... 2017_12/2016_01 2016_02 ... 2016_12. You only need to synchronize the tables of 2017.
db-name ="history"
tbl-name = "~^2017_.*"
# Ignore the "ops" and "fault" databases in synchronization
# Ignore the databases starting with "www" in synchronization
# Because replicate-do-db has a higher priority than replicate-ignore-db, it is invalid to ignore the "ops" database here in synchronization.
replicate-ignore-db = ["ops","fault","~^www"]
# The "fault" database includes multiple tables such as faults, user_feedback, ticket.
# Ignore the user_feedback table in synchronization.
# Because replicate-ignore-db has a higher priority than replicate-ignore-table, it is invalid if you only set to synchronize the user_feedback table. In fact, the whole "fault" database is synchronized.
db-name = "fault"
tbl-name = "user_feedback"
# The "order" database includes multiple tables such as 2017_01 2017_02 ... 2017_12/2016_01 2016_02 ... 2016_12. You need to ignore the tables of 2016.
db-name ="order"
tbl-name = "~^2016_.*"
You can use Syncer to import data from sharded tables into one table within one database according to the route-rules
. But before synchronizing, you need to check:
syntax.Currently, the support for DDL is still in progress.
# The scenarios are as follows:
# Database A includes multiple databases such as order_2016 and history_2016.
# Database B includes multiple databases such as order_2017 and history_2017.
# Specify to synchronize order_2016 in database A; the data tables are 2016_01 2016_02 ... 2016_12
# Specify to synchronize order_2017 in database B; the data tables are 2017_01 2017_02 ... 2017_12
# Use order_id as the primary key in the table, and the primary keys among data do not conflict.
# Ignore the history_2016 and history_2017 databases in synchronization
# The target database is "order" and the target data tables are order_2017 and order_2016.
# When Syncer finds that the route-rules is enabled after Syncer gets the upstream data, it first combines databases and tables, and then determines do-db & do-table.
# You need to configure the database to be synchronized, which is required when you determine the target-schema & target-table.
db-name ="order"
tbl-name = "order_2016"
db-name ="order"
tbl-name = "order_2017"
pattern-schema = "order_2016"
pattern-table = "2016_??"
target-schema = "order"
target-table = "order_2016"
pattern-schema = "order_2017"
pattern-table = "2017_??"
target-schema = "order"
target-table = "order_2017"
Check the server-id
of the source database.
Check the server-id
using the following command:
mysql> show global variables like 'server_id';
| Variable_name | Value |
| server_id | 1 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
If the result is null or 0, Syncer cannot synchronize data.
Syncer server-id must be different from MySQL server-id, and must be unique in the MySQL cluster.
Check the related binlog parameters
Check whether the binlog is enabled in MySQL using the following command:
mysql> show global variables like 'log_bin';
| Variable_name | Value |
| log_bin | ON |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
If the result is log_bin = OFF
, you need to enable the binlog. See the document about enabling the binlog.
Check whether the binlog format in MySQL is ROW.
Check the binlog format using the following command:
mysql> show global variables like 'binlog_format';
| Variable_name | Value |
| binlog_format | ROW |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
If the binlog format is not ROW, set it to ROW using the following command:
mysql> set global binlog_format=ROW;
mysql> flush logs;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
If MySQL is connected, it is recommended to restart MySQL or kill all connections.
Check whether MySQL binlog_row_image
is FULL.
Check binlog_row_image
using the following command:
mysql> show global variables like 'binlog_row_image';
| Variable_name | Value |
| binlog_row_image | FULL |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
If the result of binlog_row_image
is not FULL, set it to FULL using the following command:
mysql> set global binlog_row_image = FULL;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Check user privileges of mydumper.
select, reload
option when the operation object is RDS, to avoid applying for the privilege of reload
.Check user privileges of synchronizing the upstream and downstream data.
The following privileges granted by the upstream MySQL synchronization account at least:
select, replication slave, replication client
For the downstream TiDB, you can temporarily use the root account with the same privileges.
Check the GTID and POS related information.
Check the binlog information using the following statement:
show binlog events in 'mysql-bin.000023' from 136676560 limit 10;
The syncer
monitoring solution contains the following components:
See the following diagram:
Syncer provides the metric interface, and requires Prometheus to actively obtain data. Take the following steps to configure Syncer monitor and alert:
To add the Syncer job information to Prometheus, flush the following content to the configuration file of Prometheus. The monitor is enabled when you restart Prometheus.
- job_name: 'syncer_ops' // name of the job, to distinguish the reported data
- targets: [''] // Syncer monitoring address and port; to inform Prometheus of obtaining the monitoring data of Syncer
To configure Prometheus alert, flush the following content to the alert.rule
configuration file. The alert is enabled when you restart Prometheus.
# syncer
ALERT syncer_status
IF syncer_binlog_file{node='master'} - ON(instance, job) syncer_binlog_file{node='syncer'} > 1
FOR 1m
LABELS {channels="alerts", env="test-cluster"}
summary = "syncer status error",
description="alert: syncer_binlog_file{node='master'} - ON(instance, job) syncer_binlog_file{node='syncer'} > 1 instance: {{ $labels.instance }} values: {{ $value }}",
Log in to the Grafana Web interface.
Import the configuration file of Grafana dashboard.
Click the Grafana Logo -> click Dashboards -> click Import -> choose and import the dashboard configuration file -> choose the corresponding data source.
, rotate
, update_rows
, write_rows
and delete_rows
syncer_binlog_file{node="master"} - ON(instance, job) syncer_binlog_file{node="syncer"}
parameter in the syncer.toml
What’s on this page